Genre - Contemporary
Series - N/A
Format - Ebook (@258p.)
Rating - ♥ 5/5 stars ♥
Maddie Smith has never been one to hang around any place too long. After losing her job as a late-night disc jockey, she has little reason to stay in Tucson. When she receives a message that her estranged sister has disappeared, she figures she might as well go to Nebraska and see what's up with her unreliable sibling. There she learns that her sister is linked to the mysterious Eddie Berlin, a recluse and a very sexy guy. Maddie takes a personal interest in Eddie as she searches for clues about the disappearance of her sister.
Meanwhile, Eddie is shouldering problems of his own. The former manager of a pop star killed by a crazed fan, Eddie feels responsible for the singer's death, and as a result, he hasn't wandered off his own property in more than four years. Still, he is attracted to Maddie, experiencing feelings he thought he would never know again. A stolen tape of a recording made by the late rock star and other clues bind the couple together. It soon becomes clear that these two deserve each other, and when they finally feel comfortable with the fit, they find they are greater as a pair than they could ever have been as individuals.
• Review •
I fell in love with COOL SHADE almost instantly! It was dripping with witty humor, intrique, and amazing story telling. It has claimed the title of Most Favorite Read Ever for me. It's hard to review since I was so captivated by the story that I didn't take many notes… and the ones I did take were gushy "squee" types. I did have a couple minor issues that were eventually eclipsed by the story itself though. Mainly some dialog tagging, or lack thereof, that caused some confusion at one point. And at the end there was a flashback to Eddie's past that I felt was too long. It challenged the pacing a little bit, but thankfully when the flashback ended the pacing resumed at it's normal speed.
I love these characters so much! Maddie was sarcastic, tough yet soft, and generally portrayed in a believable manner. Eddie was enthralling. One minute he was insanely hot, and the next he was just a man with real issues. I never understood the whole "wounded hero" thing before… I get it now though! Eddie still manages to come off as an alpha man in almost every situation. Together Maddie and Eddie are just electrifying. From the moment they meet the sparks fly, and the tension is palpable. Above that though, is the way they compliment each other. I love them as a couple and rooted for them from the time in the weeds to the HEA.
Overall, I loved this book a lot and can not wait to read again. I'm hoping to get this in hard copy for my bookshelf soon. When I first saw this free at amazon, I almost passed it up because of the cover… but I saw a review where someone had said it was a romance, so I figured I'd give it a try. So glad that I did!

• Favorite Quote •
She squirmed. "Put me down!"
When he didn't comply, she kicked her feet, a pitiful, limp-ankled, virgin in distress flutter-kick kind of thing. ~Maddie
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